Anet e Lumit/ River Side

Plastika eshte bere pjese e jetes sone te perditshme, ajo perdoret ne shtepi, market, bujqesi e blektori. Nderkohe qe e shikojme ate te shperndare kudo ne mjediset urbane ne natyre, ne lume dhe perfundimisht ne det, aty ku kane nisur te krijohen ishujt plastike qe po rriten dita-dites derisa te dalin ne siperfaqe duke ndotur gjallesat e ujit dhe te tokes. Prandaj ne duhet te tregohemi te kujdesshem me mbetjet plastike , ato duhet te shkojne vetem per riciklim. Ne mbeshtetje te Strategjise Kombetare te Menaxhimit te Integruar te Mbetjeve dhe programit te Bashkise se Selenices, ne bashkepunim me administraten e saj, Qendra Vizioni i Gjelber, instaloi ne qendren e krahines se Lumit te Vlores ne Kote, disa kosha per grumbullimin e mbetjeve plastike te banoreve dhe bizneseve qe gjenden aty. Mbetjet plastike do te shkojne per riciklim, per kete eshte realizuar mareveshja me qendren e grumbullimit per riciklim Emmaus. Koshat do te kalojne ne pronesi te Bashkise qe do te ndjeke ecurine e punes. Ne ditet ne vazhdim do te vendosen kosha te tille eshe ne fshatrat e tjera te te Lumit. Ky projekt u mbeshtetet nga @FoundationPrinceAlbertIIdeMonaco .

Plastic has become part of our daily lives, it is used in homes, markets, agriculture and livestock. Meanwhile, we see it scattered everywhere in urban environments in nature, in rivers and finally in the sea, where plastic islands have started to form that are growing day by day until they come to the surface polluting the living things of water and land. Therefore we must be careful with plastic waste, they should only go for recycling. In support of the National Strategy for Integrated Waste Management and the program of the Municipality of Selenica, in cooperation with its administration, the Green Vision Center, installed in the center of the Vlora River region in Kote, some bins for collecting plastic waste. residents and businesses located there. Plastic waste will go for recycling, for which an agreement has been reached with the Emmaus recycling collection center. The bins will be transferred to the ownership of the Municipality, which will monitor the progress of the work. In the coming days, such baskets will be placed in other villages of the River. This project was supported by @FoundationPrinceAlbertIIdeMonaco.