Residents of Gumenica against constuction HPPs!
We want the river as the God has given us, what nature has to offer us, the government should not go over the God, we have not asked, we do not know anything about the hydro power plants … – say the residents and the village president of GUMENICA.
Residents of Lepenica against constuction HPPs!
The inhabitants of Lepenica village, knowing the HPP project on the river Shushica, want to hear their voices up to the popular REFERENDUM!
Here’s what happens if the dam of Brat will be built over the centuries-old Bridge of Brat and consequently Hecet on Shushice … !!
Here’s what happens if the dam of Brat will be built over the centuries-old Bridge of Brat and consequently Hecet on Shushice … !!It’s worth it for the river, but for the residents, but for the culture, the bridge, the environment around it with everything nature has to offer, the history of this place and…
Informing the community of Brataj.
Informing the community of Brataj village about the impact that hydropowers will have on their lives.
The first court hearing for HPP Poçem is held
Tirana, 09.02.2017. The first preparatory hearing on the case of the Poçem hydropower plant was held in the Administrative Court of First Instance.Environmental organizations EcoAlbania, RiverWatch, EuroNatur and 38 residents affected by the HPP construction in December last year filed a lawsuit in the Administrative Court against the construction of the Poçem HPP in Vjosa.…
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The “Green Vision” network was created in the framework of REC Albania’s SENIOR Program supported by the Swedish Embassy in Tirana.
The purpose of setting up the Network was to strengthen collaboration and teamwork to better support and address community concerns and environmental concerns among decision makers.
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