Anet e Lumit/ River Side
Plastic has become part of our daily lives, it is used in homes, markets, agriculture and livestock. Meanwhile, we see it scattered everywhere in urban environments in nature, in rivers and finally in the sea, where plastic islands have started to form that are growing day by day until they come to the surface polluting…
Plastika eshte bere pjese e jetes sone te perditshme, ajo perdoret ne shtepi, market, bujqesi e blektori. Nderkohe qe e shikojme ate te shperndare kudo ne mjediset urbane ne natyre, ne lume dhe perfundimisht ne det, aty ku kane nisur te krijohen ishujt plastike qe po rriten dita-dites derisa te dalin ne siperfaqe duke ndotur…
Happy World Wildlife Day
Mountain Tea (Syderitis raereri) is a wild species that grows on the Cika Mountain and in a few other places above 1200m. Syderitis raereri was introduced into the Albanian Red Book in 1995 according to IUCN Category E risk assessment criteria, with distribution in Llogora National Park, Qorri Mountain and Cika Mountain. While in 2013…
Gëzuar Ditën Botërore të Gjallesave të egra
Caji i Malit (Syderitis raeseri) eshte nje specie e eger qe rritet ne malin e Cikes dhe ne pak vende te tjera ne lartesine mbi 1200 m. Syderitis raeseri eshte futur ne Librin e Kuq Shqiptar ne vitin 1995 sipas kritereve te vleresimit te riskut nga IUCN kategoria E, me perhapje ne Parkun Kombetar te…
Illegal activity
In the video you can distinguish the tanker tanker being loaded with mazut today at the Wharf harbor denounced near “Green Vision” by the transient citizens of the case who had felt the heavy smell of mazut.This activity is illegal activity. While contacted port authorities call it normal. While not only illegal but no protection…
The first court hearing for HPP Poçem is held
Tirana, 09.02.2017. The first preparatory hearing on the case of the Poçem hydropower plant was held in the Administrative Court of First Instance.Environmental organizations EcoAlbania, RiverWatch, EuroNatur and 38 residents affected by the HPP construction in December last year filed a lawsuit in the Administrative Court against the construction of the Poçem HPP in Vjosa.…
On the occasion of the International Day of Biodiversity, Petrolifera company in Vlora poured some tones of hydrocarbons in the sea because of bad technology and its owners irresponsibility. Hydrocarbons were spread throughout the shore of Zverneci and Narta beach and are still found there, even after two months.
The Vlora Salt Zone
The Vlora Salt Zone an ecosystem of economic, biological and tourist value is another value of the Narte-Zernec-Grykderdhia Protected Area of the Vjosa River.
Natural Values of “Narte-Zvernec-Vjose” Protected Area
This protected area as a very important natural tourism product is part of the strategic development of tourism in Vlora and throughout our country. It is a natural tourism resource for the diversity of habitats and terrestrial, forest, wetland and marine diversity.Variation of hilly, sandy and lowland natural landscape with dunes, forests, shrubs and herbaceous…
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The “Green Vision” network was created in the framework of REC Albania’s SENIOR Program supported by the Swedish Embassy in Tirana.
The purpose of setting up the Network was to strengthen collaboration and teamwork to better support and address community concerns and environmental concerns among decision makers.
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