The land is blooming again!
UPDATE: Our tree and daisy flowers are blooming where the land would have been pierced for oil. We planted the tree exactly where the land was going to be pierced for oil!
The first victory of the brave citizens movement!
The good news about the Adriatic comes from Albania. It is the abandonment of an oilman by a crazy oil and gas drilling project in the Zvërnec area – the protected nature reserve of the Vlorë-Laguna Bay of the Narta-Delta of the Vjosë River, in the very south of the Adriatic, right next to the…
The land is liberated!
VICTORY ! Finally the fence is removed by its bosses! This is a great victory of Civil Society! Green Vision is a Network in Vlore!A wonderful nature between the Sea and the Lagoon!But our mission does not end here !We seek the annulment of the decision for constructing the oil well. We planted a tree on the place…
The square surrounded by fence.
Look at the square surrounded by fence. It is where the Oil Well will be constructed. The structure you see is mounted on the image to show it before it’s built in reality.
”Green Vision” conducted next official meeting.
The Network of Environmental Organizations of Vlora ” Green Vision ” conducted next official meetingAgenda1. Discussion on approving the name of the Network2. Drafting of the ” Request ” and points to the ” Agreement ” which we will seek to achieve with the mayor and council of the District of Vlora .3. Concerns of…
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The “Green Vision” network was created in the framework of REC Albania’s SENIOR Program supported by the Swedish Embassy in Tirana.
The purpose of setting up the Network was to strengthen collaboration and teamwork to better support and address community concerns and environmental concerns among decision makers.
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