Sot, ne Diten Boterore te Ujit, pershendesim banoret e Lumit Shushica (Lumi i Vlores), dega kryesore e Lumit Vjosa, per qendresen perballe projekteve per ndertimin e 4 digave per HPP mbi lumin e tyre.Pershendesim gjithashtu edhe Kryeministrin e vendit Z. Edi Rama qe vleresoi dhe respektoi zerin e banoreve te Laberise, ndaloi ndertimin e Digave dhe eshte rasti t’a inkurajojme kryeministrin te beje aktin me madhor ndaj natyres shqipetare dhe gjithe banoreve perreth Basenit te Vjoses, ta Shpalle Vjosa Park Kombetar!
Today, on World Water Day, we greet the residents of the Shushica River (Vlora River), the main tributary of the Vjosa River, for standing up to projects to build 4 HPP dams on their river.We also salute the Prime Minister of the country Mr. Edi Rama who appreciated and respected the voice of the inhabitants of Laberia, stopped the construction of Dams and is the opportunity to encourage the Prime Minister to do the greatest act to the Albanian nature and all residents around the Vjosa Basin, to Declare Vjosa National Park!(This document was drafted and signed by the mayors of the Vlora River villages 2 years ago with the assistance of the Green Vision center)