Ne Diten Boterore te Tokes, duam te ekspozojme fenomenin e gerryerjes se shtratit te lumit Shushice ne disa pjese te saj. Kjo veprimtari eshte e paligjshme dhe e pa tolerueshme, sepse eshte shkaterruese per mjedisin dhe me nje zinxhir pasojash per lumin, gjallesat e lumit, biodiversitetin, permbytjet me nje sere fatekeqesish, erozionin e tokes bujqesore, prishjen e ekuilibrit te aluvioneve me detin dhe jeten ne te, dhe shume ekuilibra te tjera qe demtohen. Pasojat arrijne deri tek jeta e njeriut.
Shumica e lumenjve kalojne ne zona rurale, por kjo nuk do te thote te jene jashte vemendjes se institucioneve pergjegjese, sic eshte Inspektoriati i Mjedisit, te cilet duhet te rrisin monitorimet dhe marrjen e masave te menjehershme per ndalimin e tyre.
Erosion of the river bed
On World Earth Day, we want to expose the phenomenon of erosion of the Shushice riverbed in some parts of it. This activity is illegal and intolerable, because it is destructive to the environment and with a chain of consequences for the river, river life, biodiversity, floods with a series of disasters, erosion of agricultural land, imbalance of sea and life alluvium balances into, and many other balances that are damaged. The consequences reach to human life.
Most of the rivers pass through rural areas, but this does not mean that they are outside the attention of the responsible institutions, such as the Environmental Inspectorate, which should increase monitoring and take immediate measures to stop them.