Ne Qendren Administrative te Novoseles, u realizua sot konsulta me palet e interesit per VSM e Planit te Detajuar te Zonave me Rendesi Kombetare Vjose-Narte. Vizioni i Gjelber dha disa rekomandime te rendesishme qe duhet te merren parasysh ne hartimin e VSM. Nga prezantimi i Planit dukej qarte se ne te gjithe vijen bregdetare, duke nisur qe nga Vjosa dhe deri tek Dalani i Madh, jane projektuar per te ndertuar resorte. Kjo zone, ka statusin Peisazh i Mbrojtur, dhe eshte pikerisht peisazhi i pari ai qe jo vetem ndryshohet, por transformohet teresisht. Kjo eshte plotesisht e papranueshme. Shoqatat Mjedisore te Vlores nuk do te lejojne qe te ndodhe nje gje e tille. Ne vertet jemi perulur perpara vendosmerise se banoreve te Vlores per ndertimin e aeroportit brenda zones se mbrojtur, por kjo nuk do te thote se ne do te pranojme cdo lloj projekti qe duan koncesionaret. Dhe per ndertimin e aeroportit do te jemi shume kerkues qe ai te jete sa me miqesor me mjedisin. Ndersa pishave qe iu eshte vene zjarri, duhet t’i zevendesojme me peme te reja dhe jo me resorte. Te gjitha projektet ne ditet e sotme, duhet te kene kryefjale te tyre, zbutjen e ndryshimeve klimatike, te cilat po behen gjithmone e me te egra dhe sidomos per banoret e kesaj zone, te cilet jane permbytur shpesh nga lumi i Vjoses dhe me deme te jashtezakonshme. Vizioni i Gjelber do te ndjeke ne vazhdimesi ecurine e VSM.
Today, in the Administrative Center of Novosela, was held the consultation with the stakeholders for SEA of the Detailed Plan of Areas of National Importance Vjose-Narte. Green Vision provided some important recommendations that should be considered in drafting the SEA. From the presentation of the Plan it was clear that all along the coastline, starting from Vjosa to the lagoon canal, are designed for resorts construction. This area has the status of Protected Landscape, and the landscape is exactly the first that not only will change, but will entirely transform. This is completely unacceptable. Vlora Environmental Associations will not allow such a thing to happen. We are indeed humbled by the determination of the people of Vlora to build the airport within the protected area, but this does not mean that we will accept any kind of project that the concessionaires want. And for the construction of the airport we will be very demanding that it be as environmentally friendly as possible. As for the pine trees that have been set on fire, we should replace them with new trees and not with resorts. All projects nowadays, must have as their key words, mitigation of climate change, which is becoming more and more furious and especially for the inhabitants of this area, whose lands are often flooded by the Vjosa River causing extraordinary damages. Green Vision will continuously follow the progress of the SEA.