The plastic waste management model in the Shushica river villages is working successfully/Modeli i menaxhimit te mbetjeve plastike ne fshatrat e lumit te Shushices, po funksionon me sukses

Modeli i menaxhimit te mbetjeve plastike ne fshatrat e lumit te Shushices, po funksionon me sukses. Banoret i kane vecuar mbetjet plastike nga mbetjet e tjera, dhe i hedhin ne koshat e posacem, per te ruajtur lumin nga ndotja plastike. Informimi dhe ndergjegjesimi i banoreve ne bashkepunim te ngushte me administraten e Bashkia Selenice, ka mundesuar funksionimin me sukses te modelit te pare ne Shqiperi per menaxhimin e mbetjeve plastike. Ky projekt eshte realizuar nga qendra “Vizioni i Gjelber” me mbeshtetjen e Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco ne kuader te inisiatives Beyond Plastic Med – BeMed.

The plastic waste management model in the Shushica river villages is working successfully. Residents have separated the plastic waste from other waste, and thrown it in special bins, to protect the river from plastic pollution. Informing and raising the awareness of the residents in close cooperation with the administration of the Municipality of Selenice, has enabled the successful operation of the first model in Albania for the management of plastic waste. This project is realized by the “Green Vision” center with the support of the Prince Albert II de Monaco Foundation in the framework of the Beyond Plastic Med – BeMed initiative.