Vjosa ”Park Kombetar”!
Sot ne Diten Boterore te Aksionit per Lumenjte, po bejme publike Deklaraten ”Vjosa Park Kombetar” e realizuar nga organizata SEEP ne bashkepunim me SHBO dhe e nenshkruar nga Kryetari i Bashkise se Vlores Dritan Leli, Kryetari i Njesise Administrative te Novoseles Z. Kanan Shakaj, perfaqesuesit e Rrjetit te Shoqatave Mjedisore te Vlores Vizioni i Gjelber, shoqata Bujqesisa Organike dhe ECO Albania te ardhur nga Tirana posacerisht, perfaqesuesit e mediave lokale dhe kombetare qe ishin te pranishem, inxhiniere te hidroteknikes, eksperte te mjedisit, specialiste te bujqesise, qytetare, te rinj dhe intelektuale te qytetit!Lexoni (ne foton me poshte) Deklaraten Origjinale te nenshkruar nga te gjithe keta aktore te rendesishem, me ne krye Kryetarin e Bashkise se Vlores, qytetarin e pergjegjshem z. Dritan Leli….ne e duam Vjosen ne rrjedhen e saj natyrale…!
Vjosa ” National Park ”!
Today, on the World Day of Action for Rivers, we are making public the Declaration “Vjosa National Park” realized by the organization SEEP in cooperation with SHBO and signed by the Mayor of Vlora Mr. Dritan Leli, Chairman of the Administrative Unit of Novosela Z Kanan Shakaj, representatives of the Network of Environmental Associations of Vlora Green Vision, Organic Agriculture Association and ECO Albania came from Tirana in particular, representatives of local and national media who were present, hydrotechnical engineers, environmental experts, agricultural specialists , citizens, young people and intellectuals of the city! Read (in the picture below) the Original Statement signed by all these important actors, headed by the Mayor of Vlora, the responsible citizen Mr. Dritan Leli. … we love Vjosa in her natural flow …!